It all started with a dream...

Raspberry Castle

Welcome to the Raspberry Castle. This Danish inspired tower in central Alberta blends breathtaking, historical architecture with the modern touches. Enjoy stargazing as bats and owls linger amidst the smoke from your chimney blaze during a summer rooftop evening. Stay cozy as your party lights a fire in the kitchen hearth, basking in the warm glow as a winter evening settles in. Dim the lights in the basement as a dungeon crawl or movie night sets off. Situated on a half acre of forested lakefront property, Raspberry Castle has something for everyone, including but not limited to Vacation Rentals, Dnd Campaigns, Artist Retreats, Kayak/Cross Country Ski weekends with the family, Wedding Photos and much more.

Raspberry Castle. Royalty right here in Alberta!


Raspberry Castle is located on Red Deer Lake in central Alberta, Canada. Approximately 25 minutes from Camrose or Wetaskawin and a mere 30 minutes from the ever popular summer swimming spot of Buffalo Lake. There are so many attractions in this beautiful part of our province such as golf courses, hiking trails, rivers to be explored! If you have a little more time on your hands you can head south to the world famous Badlands and even hunt for your own dinosaur fossils. One of our favourite pastimes is to explore the small towns that dot our province like freckles on the prairie landscape. The town of Alix has an incredible bakery, Bashaw has a wonderful diner and concrete company, or why not head to Donalda where they have the world’s largest lamp post?

Don’t worry if you’re feeling lazy. Just let Raspberry Castle wrap its whimsical arms around you while you sit next to the fire and read that book you’ve been trying to finish for too long.

Life is not what one lived, but rather what one remembers, and how it is remembered to tell the tale

— Gabriel Garcia Marquez